
This Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ; why are so many folks— especially from the Left Coast—moving to Texas? 1,000 a day, by some estimates? Many reasons, right? But let’s unpack a few—because they lead directly to some Year-End thoughts I want to share with you. 

Folks are moving here because their home states have become a nightmare. California, for example, is a dumpster fire of liberal danger. An economy wrecked by runaway spending. Runaway crime and homelessness. Law enforcement is crippled by “defund the police” and politically-correctness. “Wokeness” turning schools into indoctrination centers for the LGBT/transgender agenda. Add to that an open border more lawless than the Old West. Emission and vaccination mandates so extreme that they’re crippling the global supply chain—throwing a monkey wrench into the whole world’s economy. The list goes on and on! 

This is a cautionary tale of why anti-Christian liberalism doesn’t work.
What about the Lone Star State makes them so excited to come here?

First, we have a thriving economy. A functional society and a healthy culture. Clean, thriving communities, and cities that are actually safe to visit, with the possible exception of Austin—a city that seems to be auditioning to become the next Los Angeles or Seattle. 

But there’s something deeper still...
The driving force and the root cause of it allOur values.

It all stems directly from Texas’ values of pro-life, pro-family, and religious freedom. Texans––both individually and corporately—value hard work and integrity.
Initiative. Respect for others. We value liberty and limited government. We value family, human life, and the author of life: Almighty God. In short: as we like to put it... we value faith, family, and freedom. Those values are the true, core reason why Texas works... when Left-controlled states and cities are falling apart. Together, let’s give thanks this Christmas season for Texas values. For who and what they represent, and for all they give us. (And no, I’m not trying to make a pun—although it’s hardly a coincidence that this happens to be our name.

This is gratitude for what our name represents— and what my colleagues and I fight for every day of the year. 

I’m also talking about what you support with every prayer you utter, every moment you spend standing for Texas values at home, and every financial gift that helps us fight for you.

In 2021, we fought hard and won truly important victories.

The Legislative Session gave us passage of The Heartbeat Law, Save Women’s Sports (the bill that led to Proposition 3), and a constitutional ban on government ever again shutting down our churches. And much, much more

Even now, victories spawned by our Texas values, and the work we do, keep rolling in. Only days ago, the State Board of Education voted against adopting school curricula that contained graphic LGBT content, abortion, and a description of sex between children.

This happened because state regulators understand our values—but it also happened because Texas Values was there. Our staffers met, monitored, testified, and lobbied on behalf of Texas parents. And that, in turn, was possible because you gave generously in 2021. In 2022, these battles will continue more fiercely than ever. More than likely, they will never go away— confirming that eternal vigilance is indeed the price of liberty. 

But Texas Values will be there yet again, too. And once more, we will stand because you gave generously today—because we agree that Texas is worth fighting for. 

If you’re giving thanks for Texas this Christmas season—will you give to preserve it in the coming year? We’re the largest Texas-based faith and family policy organization with boots-on-the-ground. We work hard to squeeze the most out of every dollar entrusted to us.

Our annual budget is $1.7 million and we still need to raise $250,000 by December 31st! We also have a $50,000 matching grant that doubles your gift if made by midnight on December 31st!

Will you celebrate the Lone Star State with a bold, Year’s End gift to help defend her values this coming year? Please give today.


Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values

P.S. This Year’s End gives us so much to thank God for––and a great deal to prepare for in the year ahead. I’m thanking God for a staff that fought hard against left-wing madness the whole year long. And, for friends and supporters like you. Will you remember us in your Year End giving plans? We have a $50,000 matching challenge grant. Please give a Texas-sized donation today!

900 Congress Ave. Suite 220 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.

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