Hi John,

Did you catch A’shanti’s last email? I had to make sure you didn’t miss it. Please take a moment to scroll down, read it for yourself, and get energized for the year ahead.

We have a lot to accomplish in 2022, but we have a tried-and-true strategy for political transformation. More importantly, we have a network of THOUSANDS of powerhouse Democratic women who are living proof that Emerge programs work.

But the fact is that transforming politics in this country will take all of us. We simply aren’t as strong or effective without YOU. So if you’re able, please support Emerge’s crucial work by making a donation of $5 or more today.

Thank you, John. We’re so thrilled to partner with you.

Sandra Bishop
Chief Development Officer, Emerge

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A’shanti F. Gholar
Date: Thu, Dec 16, 2021
Subject: We’re not slowing down