Friends -- We've just run the latest numbers and we are unfortunately falling short on our get-out-the-vote fundraising push. We put out a call to raise $7,500 before midnight, and as of right now, we're still $4,033 short.
With early voting underway and people casting their ballots, we simply can't miss this goal. We're up against an opponent who has poured millions of his own dollars into this race. We're also up against big, national groups that are doing everything they can to buy this election and send Louisiana back to the days of Bobby Jindal.
With an election as close as this, we need to keep up the momentum and hit these goals. That's how we win -- when everyone pitches in and we show the grassroots power of our campaign. So, can we count on you, right now?
Contribute before midnight to our get-out-the-vote fundraising goal.
Team JBE