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Dear Friend,

It really is possible to turn the progressive tide that threatens to engulf America. But our movement is going to need the support of every like-minded American to do it! 
Over the past year, the Mississippi Center for Public Policy has helped move the dial in our state:

  • Combating Critical Race Theory  Our report did not just show what is being taught, we published a bill to deal with the problem, which we sent to every member of the legislature.
  • Heritage Foundation event  We partnered with Heritage to hold an event to look in detail at how to respond to Critical Race Theory.
  • Fat Cat report  Our report exposed how certain bureaucrats spend too much public money on their own salaries. 
 This coming year, we have a clear plan: the Freedom Agenda for Mississippi. This consists of 12 specific reforms that we are aiming for, which would lift up our state, safeguarding liberty and promoting limited government: 
  1. A law to combat Critical Race Theory.
  2. A bill to ensure Academic Transparency so folk know what their children are being taught.
  3. A bill to protect free speech on campus (aka the Forum Act).
  4. Allow Open School Enrolment so that moms & dads have a choice over where their children go to school.    
  5. A bill to cap School Board administration costs.
  6. Establish multiple Charter School Authorizers so we get more Charter Schools.  
  7. Abolish the State Income Tax.
  8. Cut Red Tape with a one-in-two-out law. 
  9. Repeal the Certificate of Need laws that hold back our healthcare sector and push prices up. 
  10. End the moratorium on Home Health Agencies.
  11. A bill to allow Mississippians to make more use of telemedicine services.
  12. A "sandbox bill" to encourage tech innovation.

If you had a good year in 2021, please help us achieve lasting change in 2022!
As a not-for-profit, we depend on support from individuals like you. Please click on the button below to make a gift of $50, $100, $1,000 or more.

Alternatively, if you had a good year with investments, you might want to consider a stock transfer gift? Let me know if you would like to know more about that as an option.
A recent arrival in America, I know what an extraordinary country this is. America is the most successful nation of earth because she has more liberty and freedom than almost any place else. We need your help to ensure that America stays that way in 2022! With your support we can win this fight.
Have a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to updating you on our progress in the New Year!

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO

Ps. Did you know that the Mississippi Center for Public Policy helped draft the 2018 law that led directly to the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization that is currently before the Supreme Court? This could overturn Roe v. Wade, and it shows that a state-based think tank like ours really can make a major difference...
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