Jenny Jones wrote to the Independent Office of Police Complaints calling police 'in thrall with corrupt government', while Caroline Lucas offered 10 reasons why Boris Johnson needs to resign.



Jenny Jones wrote to the Independent Office of Police Complaints calling police 'in thrall with corrupt government', while Caroline Lucas offered 10 reasons why Boris Johnson needs to resign. Scroll for more on what Greens are doing to hold the government to account 🔽


Co-leader Carla Denyer appeared on BBC Any Questions.

Caroline Lucas has a column on 10 reasons why Boris Johnson needs to resign in the Metro.

Our transport spokesperson, Caroline Russell, was interviewed on LBC responding to transport minister Trudy Harrison who said owning a car is ‘outdated 20th century thinking.’


Democracy and Citizen Engagement Spokesperson Zack Polanski labelled the Government’s proposed changes to the Human Rights Act “another attempt by a draconian government to whip away rights that help people achieve justice.”

Green Peer Jenny Jones slammed the government over its draconian Police Bill that threatens to ban protest. She also wrote in Left Foot Forward about why she wrote to the Independent Office of Police Complaints about the Downing Street Christmas party.

Natalie Bennett wrote in the Ecologist about why nuclear is not the answer to the UK’s electricity needs.

Have a lovely rest of your weekend!


-- The Green Party 💚