It's a systemic murder of our voice in the public square. Please help us.
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We received warning today from Facebook that our page with close to a million and half followers will be 'unpublished' because of our well sourced, COVID coverage.

It's a systemic murder of our voice in the public square. Please help us.


TRUMP WAS RIGHT: Fentanyl overdoses become No. 1 cause of death among US adults, ages 18-45: ‘A national emergency’
Covid schmovid. This is the leading cause of death of our young people and its the Biden adminsitration who is bringing in theis death drug via his migration invasion.

‘I Will Pay More Taxes Than Any American In History This Year’: Elon Musk Crushes Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren With One Tweet
She created nothing, built nothing, but destroyed everything. The Ferokee (fake Cherokee) Indian. strikes again. The hatred of the good for being the good.

Related: Elon Musk returns fire to '(Lack of) Joy Reid' and 'Sen. Karen' Twitter ...

Studies Proving Generic Drugs Can Fight COVID Are Being Suppressed
Treatment is never discussed but these failed vaccines with Gd knows what in them are mandated.

Two-thirds of Americans don’t trust Biden, poll shows
It's higher than that.

The Democrat party of treason and election fraud DO NOT CARE. They spit on the American people. We must take our country back.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans doubt they can trust Biden, poll shows

By Callie ...

Jewish man murdered, two injured in Judea and Samaria Islamic terror shooting
Another innocent Israeli murdered by a Palestinian terrorist. Under President Trump Palestinian terrorism had been relatively subdued. Today, Palestinian terrorists are emboldened by the Biden Administration's pro-Palestinian policies, which has ...

‘Woke’ retailers who asked Congress for help amid smash-and-grabs supported left-wing police reforms
Let 'em burn.

They supported defund the police, gave millions to BLM terrorists, and now they want us to bail them out?

'Woke' retailers who asked Congress for help amid smash-and-grabs supported left-wing police reforms

Nearly two ...

EVIL: Biden LAUGHS OFF Question About China 800K COVID Deaths
Scroll down and watch! And then imagine the response from the MSM if that was President Trump.

Joe Biden failed to “shut down the virus” and hold China accountable.

His only response is to *smile and wave.*

Biden failed. ...

DEATH TO THE UNVAXXED: Biden Threatens A Winter Of Illness and Death To The Unvaccinated
Demented segregationist child sniffing perv goes full on Nazi.

CDC:  79% of omicron cases are in vaccinated people. Similar data in Israel where 80% had received booster shots. So why is the Dewmocrat government focrcing Americans to get these ...

EXCLUSIVE: NYC Rally For Medical Freedom in Australia and the U.S.(Photos and Videos))
Times Square Dec 5, 2021. A march was planned in support of Human Rights LOST in Australia (which explains the Aussie flags)

Flickr Slide show of the protest before the march:

I wasn't able to stay for the march (and I've ...

Exploiting America’s Declining Pressure: Iran’s Nuclear Escalation Over Time
President Trump enacted sweeping U.S economic sanctions against Iran, which would have forced Iran's leaders to abandon their nuclear program in President Trump's second term. The Biden Administration did not continue President Trump's maximum ...
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