From Kerry Schumann <[email protected]>
Subject Urgent: only 4 days to take action for clean water
Date November 4, 2019 9:58 PM
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Dear John,

Nitrate pollution from agricultural activity – like manure spreading – is a primary source of pollution endangering our health, especially for kids. Nitrate pollution is linked to the deadly Blue Baby Syndrome, spinal cord defects like spina bifida, and childhood diabetes.

As your efforts to clean up our water intensify, huge special interest lobbying groups are barging into the process, flaunting their political influence, and shouting hyperbolic, pro-polluter rhetoric. 

These polluters are dead-set on halting all progress toward protecting our water and health. We need you to fight back today! Take action now.
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The Department of Natural Resources Board is currently accepting input from the public about starting a rule-making process that would result in state standards for nitrate pollution in our water and set manure spreading rules in sensitive areas.

This inclusive and thorough process will convene concerned stakeholders and collect data to determine where and how manure management rules should progress. 

But, those lobbying groups are pressuring state officials every day to throw a wrench – actually, several wrenches – into the process and halt progress already made through years of hard work from scientists, farmers, concerned citizens, elected leaders, and you!

You can help ensure progress toward clean water continues. Tell the DNR board you care about protecting our water from nitrate pollution.

We have to act FAST. The deadline for comments is Friday at 5 p.m. That’s just four days away! Sign onto our letter today, and we’ll send it to the board before the deadline.

Please, add your name to the list of citizens from all across the state who are asking the DNR board to set a state nitrate standard and develop manure spreading rules in sensitive areas.

Will you sign now? You only have a few days left to make your voice heard.
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Thank you for being a conservation voter,

Kerry Schumann
Executive Director

Wisconsin Conservation Voters
133 S. Butler Street Suite 320
Madison, WI 53703
United States
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