Hi Friend,

In 2021, thanks to our efforts and to patriots like you, the “silent majority” found their voice. 

They were sick of being silenced. They were tired of being told what to think, say, and believe. And they were angry about being censored and canceled by the intolerant left, whose privilege (“Progressive Privilege”) was on full display.

That’s where we came into play. For almost 30 years, Independent Women’s Forum and our sister organization, Independent Women’s Voice, have been providing a forum for women’s voices to be heard. 

But in 2021, our mission became even clearer; our cause more urgent; our purpose and passion renewed.
We became the torch bearer for the voiceless. The defenders of the defenseless. The voice of reason. And the champion of freedom… freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and freedom to choose how to live your own life. 

Cancel culture RUINS lives. We must END it and DEFEND free speech.

In 2022, there will be even greater consequences and higher stakes… starting with our basic freedoms. And we must be ready to hit the ground running.

We’re HALFWAY to our end-of-year deadline*, and we could really use your support to help us meet our goal to have the resources necessary to fight back against cancel culture, stop progressive privilege, and defend free speech.
Thank you for fighting the good fight,

Heather R. Higgins

*By contributing to our end-of-year donation drive, your donation will be MATCHED by a generous group of donors, allowing it to go TWICE as far. You’ll also get 50% off membership to our PRIVATE membership community and social platform, Independent Women’s Network. And you’ll get a special-edition “Independent” lapel pin.