The year is 2011. Citizenries throughout the Middle East are rising against their oppressive dictators. Two men respond. Andy Harris is suing the Obama Administration. Dave Harden is the first responder on the ground in war-torn Libya. That is the difference between a talker and a doer. Vote Harris if you want frivolity and bluster. Vote Harden if you want results. Dave has spent a career repairing economies in war-torn countries. Andy Harris has spent a career failing to deliver for our district. The 118th Congress is going to be a battlefield, and Maryland’s first district needs a wartime consigliere.

This is Dylan, Dave's Deputy Operations Manager. I want to tell you a story. But before I do, can you make a quick donation to Dave's campaign?

The year is 2011. Citizenries throughout the Middle East are rising against their oppressive dictators. Two men respond. Andy Harris is suing the Obama Administration. Dave Harden is the first responder on the ground in war-torn Libya. That is the difference between a talker and a doer. Vote Harris if you want frivolity and bluster. Vote Harden if you want results.

Dave has spent a career repairing economies in war-torn countries. Andy Harris has spent a career failing to deliver for our district. The 118th Congress is going to be a battlefield, and Maryland’s first district needs a wartime consigliere.

The rural economy is in shambles. The small business is being forgotten. Harris panders to rural America with a lot of grandstanding and talking points. Yet, he voted no on infrastructure, broadband and better vocational schools. These are not partisan issues. This is the voting record of a coward, an inconsequential, small legislator. The choice here is between someone who is going to represent the district or someone who represents the fringe.

I have talked to numerous people who have tried to call Andy Harris’ congressional office. After enough rounds of their calls not being returned, they turned to congressmen of neighboring districts for resolution. It could be because he is busy, but the hard truth is he just doesn’t care. Andy Harris does not care about you, your family, or your district. Dave does. Dave takes the time to discuss issues of importance with constituents. He has an action plan. He has an energetic staff who field calls at all hours of the day. It is not a choice between Republican and Democrat, it is a choice between love of country and love of self.

Andy Harris calls himself a patriot yet he encouraged a crowd of insurrectionists to storm our Chapel of Democracy. Dave has served this country for decades. Now, we stand at a decision point. We must choose between the patriot and the anarchist. The pragmatist and the extremist. The Diplomat and the Sycophant.

I stand with Dave.

If you do too, please consider chipping in to his campaign today

Thank you.

-- Dylan Greifinger
Deputy Operations Manager


Dave Harden is a Democrat running for Maryland's 1st Congressional District. Dave's running to replace Andy Harris and will help the 1st District unlock its extraordinary potential. Support Dave with a donation today.

Paid for by Harden for Congress


Harden for Congress
P.O. Box 584
Hampstead, MD 21074
United States