It is early in the season, but I am proud to announce that I have already been endorsed by the Progressive Turnout Project – here is what they had to say:

Representative Larsen has a history of championing pro-democracy legislation and a shared commitment to a reality that everyone has the right to vote in a country where voting is made simple and accessible to all.

And you know what? I am proud that you, share that commitment to protecting the right to vote and making access to the ballot available to all Americans.

The Progressive Turnout Project has agreed to match every donation, up to a maximum of $5000, made by the grassroots members of Team Larsen. Will you chip in right now and help me maximize the impact of this donation?

As we approach the one year anniversary of the January 6 insurrection, it is more clear than ever that Congress must act to protect the right to vote, stop partisan gerrymandering, make it easy to register to vote, ensure access to polling places and vote-by-mail, and block partisan sabotage of election results.

We voted for that in the House, and like you, I am a little frustrated that the Senate is taking so long to get it done.

But when they do, our work will not be over. We will need to defend our majorities in the House and Senate, so that these crucial election protections cannot be repealed by Republican leaders.

So, please donate now to support our big fight ahead in 2022. Your donation will be doubled through this generous match from the Progressive Turnout Project.

We can do it!



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