From 8 Hours [Virginia|PFAW] <>
Subject NEW YORK TIMES: Virginia is a referendum on Trump!
Date November 4, 2019 9:10 PM
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A new message from your friends at People For the American Way.


[ [link removed] ]Battleground Virginia 2019

PFAW Member --

We'll be blunt: We now have less than 8 hours to raise the remaining
$6,617 we need for our final push in the Virginia election happening

[ [link removed] ]Can you chip any amount right now to help get out the progressive
vote in the most important election of the year?

In just over 24 hours from now, we'll start getting the results of the
most critical gauge yet of voters' desire to reject Trump and his
far-right Republican cronies in 2020.

[ [link removed] ]NY Times
[ [link removed] ]Virginia’s Legislature Is Up for Grabs. It’s a
Referendum on Trump.

Democrats are within just 2 seats of capturing majorities in both
chambers of the state legislature and the latest polls say that
victory is within reach, with most Virginia voters saying they want a
Democratic majority in the state capital!

But Trump and the Far Right know how much is on the line in this
critical battleground state -- that's why they are dumping mountains
of last-minute cash into Virginia and smearing our PFAW-endorsed
progressive candidates with lies and racist attack ads!

Winning tomorrow in Virginia is the single best way to kick-start a
national Blue Wave to clean out Trump Republicans in 2020! PLEASE BE

[ [link removed] ]Please donate now so we can get our team the resources they
urgently need to win!


Winning in Virginia will mean historic progress on health care,
common-sense gun reform, and the Equal Rights Amendment ... and will
mean STOPPING right-wing gerrymandering and Republican attacks on
abortion access, LGBTQ equality, and the right to vote!

We're heading into the critical Get Out The Vote weekend and our teams
are on the ground leaving no stone unturned in our efforts to turn out
every last progressive vote in the most hotly contested races across
the state!

But we can't do it without your help.

[ [link removed] ]Please rush the most generous donation you can now to flip Virginia
blue, reject Trump Republicans, and start the ball rolling on the next
blue wave!

[ [link removed] ]CHIP IN NOW →

Thank you for everything you do!

-- PFAW Elections Team


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