November 4, 2019        

Africa's Socialism Is Keeping it Poor
by Germinal G. Van

Socialism was sold to Africans as the antidote to the legacy of colonial occupiers. But it was the African countries that most resisted socialism that experienced the greatest gains in standards of living.

The Economics and Politics of Zoning

The whole point of zoning is to limit freedom in the development of new housing options. As a result, housing is more expensive, and the consumers are more poorly served.

The Fed has cut its key target interest rate, and has cut interest paid on reserves, all while injecting more liquidity into banks. This is not a confident Fed.

"It may well be, that is, that the Bolsheviks had never had the slightest idea of what their aims would mean concretely for the economic life of Russia, how those aims would of necessity have to be implemented, or what the consequences would be."


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