
VIDEO NY1 News November 2
Here's our first take on #OutNOW protests in 14 places Saturday:
In the third of five weeks of protests to launch the #OUTNOW Movement, determined cores of people took to the streets in protests across the country to raise the demand: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go – NOW! From the howling rain and cold of Detroit streets to spirited marches that intersected with Dia De Los Muertos celebrations in Los Angeles and San Francisco, from a determined duo who protested outside Trump Hotel in DC to more than 100 boisterous protesters outside Trump’s appearance at Madison Square Garden in NYC, this movement has grown in its broad impact and deepened the understanding and commitment of those who have stepped forward. In Atlanta, two people drove up from southern Georgia to take part after seeing Cornel West speak about the movement on Don Lemon’s CNN show.
Everywhere, the response from people on the sidelines was overwhelmingly positive. Yet, we have not yet begun to set off the kind of chain reaction of growth which we are going to need to achieve to succeed. This is something we are all going to have to work on together, how to reach more of the people who are hungry for a way to act now – and how to move many more into seeing the need to join us in taking to the streets to demand: Trump/Pence #OUTNOW! see more + video
Saturday’s #OUTNOW Protests Hitting With Impact, Needing to Grow
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Hundreds came out Saturday for #OutNOW.
Millions cheered when Trump was booed at sporting events twice last week. did more than boo Trump - we are mobilizing for sustained, non-violent protest demanding the whole fascist regime be driven #OUTNOW.
Let's bring the millions out with the hundreds we have.
> > Help unlock a $10,000 match.
If we raise $6,403 more by Friday, all donations will be matched dollar for dollar.

Help organize and spread #OutNow this Saturday
> > Find a protest
> > Here's how to organize a protest
The theme for #OutNOW protests Saturday November 9 is #NoTheocracy
Join the Wednesday November 6 #OutNOW Webinar
Hear from leaders and organizers. > > Register here
You can also watch on Facebook Live national team
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