
FIRST: We fell over $6,000 short of our $50,000 mid-month goal, and missed a fundraising goal for the first time ever.

THEN: We extended our deadline for 48 hours so that we could make up the shortfall, help Democrat Mike Franken defeat Chuck Grassley, and turn Iowa blue.

BUT NOW: With less than 15 hours left until our extended deadline, we’re just $2,918 away from closing the gap and hitting our goal!

If everyone who reads this chips in even just a few dollars right now, we will blow past our goal with no problem before midnight.

So what do you say, then? Will you chip in right now so that we can make up our shortfall and ensure Mike Franken has the resources he needs to defeat Chuck Grassley and protect our Democratic majority in the Senate?

Please, give $5 or more right now – whatever you can afford to spare before midnight tonight – so that Mike can hit this goal, defeat Chuck Grassley, and turn Iowa blue.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We’re so grateful for the support we’ve received this month so far. But we’ll only be able to win this race with the help of grassroots donors like you now.

Thanks for helping pushing us across the finish line in hitting this goal,

Team Franken