Through the RefuseFascism podcast, we engage, dialogue and debate with a
broad array of writers, scholars, legal experts and people from
different walks of life to educate people on the roots, nature,
trajectory of the real and present danger of fascism. We are
forging understanding and relationships aimed at preventing the
consolidation of fascism.
>> Your donation to REFUSE FASCISM helps fund the podcast, to reach millions who critically need this understanding and clarity of purpose.
Let's listen to Sam Goldman, host of the podcast since April 2020, calling on those who, since the January 6 fascist coup attempt are recognizing the danger of fascism, to engage further in what it's going to take to stop this nightmare:

"Now that we're here with serious people saying some of what we've been saying for over a might be worth listening to us about what it will take to knock the fascists off-course, change the course of this country, as well as listen to the voices we're highlighting, paving the way to action and preparation for the action that is required of us.
And maybe even more importantly to look at how we got here in the first place so that we stop returning to this threat. And we need these "serious" people who are starting to write about this ongoing coup to talk seriously to all their listeners about what it's going to take to stop this nightmare; the need to act independently, the need to stop investing all our hopes and dreams and energy into collaborators and exercise our power in the streets."

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In case you missed it, this week's episode of Refuse Fascism

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>> Transcript national team 917 407 1286