By Virginia Christian Alliance on Dec 17, 2021 06:25 am
technology opens extraordinary windows on biological systems once too small to see with our unaided eyes. In this fascinating video, superb microscopic photography reveals some of the hidden wonders that enable butterflies to thrive on earth, while filling our eyes with unforgettable evidence of intelligent design in the living world.
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By Virginia Christian Alliance on Dec 16, 2021 03:42 pm
COVID vaccines are “irreversible and potentially permanently damaging,” says Dr. Robert Malone, who explains why 16,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly declaring healthy children should not be vaccinated for COVID-19.
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By Live Action on Dec 16, 2021 03:08 pm
Joseph was born alive. gasping for air. They wrapped him in a blanket and laid him in my arms. I had never felt so hopeless in my life, and I have never felt so hopeless since. I kissed him all over his beautiful body, bathing him in my tears, then handed him to Joe. Our baby Joseph took a few more gasps of air, and then he had no more fight in him. He died in his daddy’s arms.
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