
Dear ,

Just minutes ago, Nicole Malliotakis went on NY1 and told Errol Louis her constituents had “moved on” from January 6th.

Well, Nicole is a liar. Right here at NICPAC, we know dozens of NY-11 residents who’ve called Nicole’s office to express their disgust with her support of the insurrection and her vote to overturn the 2020 election.

We’re glad to see Errol Louis taking our seditious Rep to task over her vote to overturn the 2020 election.

Can you RUSH a donation NOW to show Malliotakis WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN her seditious vote to overturn the 2020 election?>>

Thank you for standing with us,

Your Friends at Nicole Is Complicit PAC

Look, we can’t do this without you. Nicole has all the conspiracy theorists sending money her way because she’s one of them. If we want to take back this district and restore civility, it’s up to us.

Paid for by the Nicole Is Complicit PAC (NICPAC.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


Copyright (C) 2021 NICPAC. All rights reserved.

Staten Island, NY .

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