John --

Susan Collins is behind in the polls.

Lindsay Graham is panicking about his re-election.

Mitch McConnell is, too.

Democrats are running strong campaigns across the country to flip the Senate and our team is backing them up every step of the way -- we have a long way to go, but we can do this!

A lot is happening -- so, we want to hit pause for a moment and get a sense of how you’re feeling about things:

Take Flip the Senate’s survey: tell us about your top priorities for the upcoming election in 2020? What issues matter to you? Which GOP Senator do you most want to defeat next year? Tell us today.

Take the survey

Here’s why this matters: Flip the Senate is one of the leading organizations working to remove Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader and deliver a Democratic majority that will put our government back in the hands of the people.

We need the input of folks on the ground in key states -- and across the country -- to inform our decision making. This is important.

Thanks for making your voice heard.

— Flip the Senate

Take the survey