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Dr. Paul Gosar
Dear Fellow Patriot,
My friend and colleague Congressman Gosar is one of my strongest allies in Congress and he is at the top of the list now to be targeted by the democrats. 
The country saw the ridiculous lengths the far left will go to to destroy a patriotic family man.   
The liberals not just censured Rep. Gosar for a cartoon—they are censoring his message to America.    Everyone who actually saw the cartoon knows that is was described as “silly” or “funny” but no one seriously saw any “threat” in the cartoon.   That won’t stop the leftist loons from shrieking however. 
I stood on the floor of the House in solidarity with Paul.   He is my friend and a proven America First fighter.  He has a 100% NRA, GOA second amendment record.  He has a 100% National Right to Life rating.  He has never voted for a tax increase, and fights to reduce spending every chance he gets.  He is one of us. 
President Trump called him the day after the leftists attacked him and said:
"Congressman Paul Gosar has been a loyal supporter of our America First agenda, and even more importantly the USA.  Paul is Congressman who is highly respected in Arizona, strong on crime, borders, our military, and our veterans.   He continually fights for lower taxes, less regulation, and our great, but under siege Second Amendment."
"Paul Gosar has my complete and total endorsement."
- President Donald J. Trump, November 18, 2021
Please donate what you can to keep this patriot in Congress:
Thank you!
Rep. Lauren Boebert


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