By joining my team, you are helping me create a massive grassroots movement right here in Florida.

I’m coming to you with my most important ask yet:

Will you chip in $15 right away to become a Founding Member of my team? I’m counting on 75 new members right away to help me come out on top. >>

I need to explain why your support is necessary, John.

Ron DeSantis is raking in sums of money at an incredible rate.

He just raised a whopping $6,000,000 last month alone.

John: I’m ready to prove to every Floridan that I have what it takes to represent each and every one of them fairly and to the best of my ability.

But I can’t do that if I’m being drowned out by Ron DeSantis’ warchest.

I need you on my team so we can cut through the noise and win. Will you join my team before midnight with your $15?


NAME: Join the Team
Chip in $15 to show you’re on Team Annette >>

By joining my team, you are helping me create a massive grassroots movement right here in Florida.

I know we can prove the political pundits wrong -- but I can’t do it alone.

That’s why I want to get ahead of the new year so we can start 2022 off strong.

Will you join my team and help me succeed in my campaign for Governor?

CHIP IN $100
CHIP IN $250

I’m so grateful to have you on my side,


Annette Taddeo is a small business owner who is running to defeat Ron DeSantis and become the first Latina governor of Florida.

Email is the best way to stay up-to-date with Annette's campaign.

We'd hate to lose you, but if you'd like to unsubscribe, please click here: unsubscribe

1742 W Flagler Street
Miami, FL 33135
[email protected]


Paid by Annette Taddeo, Democrat, for Governor

Contributions or gifts to Annette Taddeo for Governor are not tax deductible.