The Build Back Better Act would help working people. It would create union jobs, protect workers’ rights and lower health care costs. Sign the petition to tell the Senate: Pass the Build Back Better Act now!
The Build Back Better Act explained. Makes corporations pay a fair share of taxes. Assesses a 15% minimum tax on very large corporations. Stops rewarding corporations that ship jobs and profits offshore with tax breaks. Taxes corporations that enrich shareholders with stock buybacks. AFL-CIO.

Hi John,


The Build Back Better Act would create jobs, lower costs and protect workers’ rights. The House already passed it, and now it’s the Senate’s turn. Sign the petition to tell your senators: Build Back Better now!

There are people trying to stop this bill by talking about how it might worsen inflation.


But three months ago, 17 Nobel laureate economists said it would ease longer-term inflationary pressure.


Just this past week, 56 economists said it would alleviate some of the strain of inflation.


The Build Back Better Act would help working people


Sign the petition and tell your senators: Build Back Better now!


In Solidarity,




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