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Race + Power Weekly

This week’s Race + Power newsletter looks at the ways in which white supremacy is upheld. Our first article by Anastasia Tomkin reviews the latest work of Georgetown law professor Sheryll Cashin, who explores opportunity hoarding and segregation. The second by Anne Price and Jhumpa Bhattacharya looks at how this is replicated in philanthropy, resulting in white-led nonprofit receiving most philanthropic dollars, including for racial equity work. From our archives, we offer “The Nonprofit Sector as White Space,” by Cyndi Suarez, which digs into Yale Sociology professor Elijah Anderson’s classic “The White Space.” Finally, we offer another from our archive, “Imagery and Authenticity,” which explores a mailer from a recent political campaign to show how whiteness shows up in political images.

How Residential Segregation Creates a Caste System in America

Though the era of segregation is largely perceived to be long gone, residence and geography maintain catastrophic levels of racial inequality in access to resources and opportunities. Read more…
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BIPOC Nonprofit Leaders Deserve Better from Philanthropy

Philanthropy is on a course to underdeliver on its promises of promoting racial justice, held back by the institutionalized power dynamics that reinforce white privilege. Read more…
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The Nonprofit Sector as White Space

The concept of “white space” has crossed over from black space into the public conversation about race in the US. But many are using a white space approach to racial justice, including nonprofit leaders. Read more…
Make Meaningful Impact & Built Trust With Your CSR Program
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Imagery and Authenticity

NPQ’s creatives assess the use of design in perpetuating harmful narratives—and in creating new ones. Read more…
Webinar: Dashboard Dynamics
You’re invited to attend an all-encompassing webinar that will inspire you and your team to create and/or perfect insightful dashboards to guide your organization forward. 12/16 at 2pm EST. Presented by Accufund.
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