Dear Partners,

Before the Senate adjourns for the holidays, and with the possibility that the Build Back Better bill might not be voted on until the new year, we must keep the pressure on to ensure major priorities, like prescription drug reform, remain strong and are included in the final bill that is signed into law by President Biden.

Please join us TODAY from 12:00 – 12:30 PM ET for a 30-minute Twitterstorm to push Congress to pass Build Back Better ASAP!

Sample social media for the Twitterstorm is below:

  • Every day that Congress delays passing #BuildBackBetter, people forgo or ration their medications, or skip doctors’ visits simply because they can't afford it. America’s families can’t wait! Congress MUST pass this bill before Christmas! #UniteForHealthCare 
  • #BuildBackBetter will cut #HealthCare costs for millions, enabling them to live healthy, vibrant lives. Unlike Congress, America’s families do not have the luxury of waiting until after Christmas. Senators, you MUST pass it before the holidays! #UniteForHealthCare 
  • This holiday, America’s families deserve lower prescription drug costs & more affordable health insurance on the marketplace. #BuildBackBetter gives them this & so much more! Senators, NOW is the time to give families a gift they’ll never forget. #UniteForHealthCare
  • There is no doubt that should this landmark bill remain strong – and get even stronger – as it moves toward passage, it will radically improve the lives of millions of Americans once it becomes law. Now Congress needs to follow through and pass #BuildBackBetter. Our families deserve it. [insert image]
  • What can most people in America, regardless of political affiliation, agree on? The cost of #HealthCare in this country is absurdly high. Congress has the opportunity to alleviate these high costs for America’s families by passing the #BuildBackBetter bill.

Resources for Your Build Back Better Advocacy 


Health Action Conference 2022

Families USA’s Health Action Conference: Health Justice Now is fast approaching. Registration is open, so register before Dec. 31st for the early bird rate!   
We are excited to feature a diverse range of workshops at this year’s conference. Want to take a closer look at the experience? Check out our agenda to see our valuable, detailed, and in-depth Policy, Advocacy, and Communications workshops.   
Got any questions? Feel free to reach out to our team at

Thank you, as always, for your tireless advocacy.

In partnership,


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Health Action Network

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