Foundation for Child Development: Foundation News

The Foundation for Child Development is proud to share its 2020-2021 Annual Report, highlighting new grantees and partnerships. In this report, we reflect upon the Foundation’s response to urgent needs in the early care and education (ECE) field in the wake of COVID-19. We also detail our efforts to strengthen the success of the ECE workforce and young children with a commitment to social justice and equitable high-quality ECE systems to ensure that they can all thrive.

Read the Foundation's Annual Report
Learn More About Our New Resource
The Foundation's Getting it Right: The Conversation Guide for Preparing the Next Generation of Implementation Researchers is a new resource for faculty and students that serves as a companion piece to our 2020 Getting it Right: Using Implementation Research to Improve Outcomes in Early Care and Education publication. The conversation guide provides an overview of implementation research, discussion questions, reflections on moving early care and education implementation research forward, and suggestions for small group activities to further support student engagement. 
Read the Getting it Right Conversation Guide
Watch Our Latest Webinars
Advancing Equity Conducting Strengths-Based Research in Early Care & Education Webinar
May 11, 2021
Watch on demand >>

Roundtable Discussion: Preparing Future Early Care and Education Implementation Researchers
December 2, 2021
Watch on demand >>
Access the Foundation's Webinars
ABOUT US Research, policy and practice—we connect these pieces to help build early childhood systems that enable children to reach their full potential. Founded in 1900, the Foundation for Child Development identifies needs, fills gaps and integrates knowledge for successful implementation and continuous improvement. Learn more about our focus areas and download resources by clicking these links.
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