A government-owned nuclear laboratory long plagued by scandals
and security breaches is in trouble again for recklessly managing
controlled substances, including enough opioids to kill more than 1,700
people. Other illicit narcotics mishandled by the taxpayer-funded
compound’s staff include morphine, methamphetamine, codeine and cocaine.
The drugs are routinely used for research at the Los Alamos National
Laboratory in New Mexico, the same facility where Judicial Watch exposed a
Chinese Communist scientist that stole nuclear secrets two decades ago.
Because no one is above
the law! |
Nov 04, 2019 |
Today's Top Stories
U.S. Lab Known for Security Failures Loses Enough
Opioids to Kill 1,750 People
A government-owned nuclear
laboratory long plagued by scandals and security breaches is in trouble
again for recklessly managing controlled substances, including enough
opioids to kill more than 1,700 people. Other illicit narcotics mishandled
by the taxpayer-funded compound’s staff include morphine,
methamphetamine, codeine and cocaine. The drugs are routinely used for
research at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, the same
facility where Judicial Watch exposed a Chinese Communist scientist that
stole nuclear secrets two decades ago.
Judicial Watch Statement on House Resolution Vote
Today’s vote endorses an
abusive process that rolls over the rights of President Trump and
undermines the rule of law. This was no impeachment resolution – it was a
coup resolution. This coup attack was corruptly formed and corruptly
pursued. The U.S. Senate should rule out a trial on any so-called
impeachment arising from the Pelosi-Schiff abuse of the U.S. Constitution.
Judicial Watch: Documents Show Virginia Gov. Ralph
Northam Took Abortion Talking Points Directly From Planned Parenthood
Northam told WTOP radio: “If a
mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant
would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would
be resuscitated, if that’s what the mother and the family desires. And
then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
Several hours after Northam gave the viral interview on WTOP, Rodgers sent
talking points from her ppav.org email account titled “Topline messages
for Northam” to PPAV representative Missy Wesolowski, who then forwarded
them to the Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Services, Gena Berger.
Grassley Rips Comey: You Missed Key Evidence in Clinton Investigation. I'm
Going to Find It.
The Daily Wire
pointed out Comey’s July 5, 2016, public statement exonerating Clinton.
He noted that Comey’s initial draft stated, ‘“There is evidence to
support a conclusion that Secretary Clinton, and others, used the private
email server in a manner that was grossly negligent with respect
to the handling of classified material” as well as “Similarly, the
sheer volume of information that was properly classified as Secret at the
time it was discussed on email (that is, excluding the up-classified
emails) supports an inference that the participants were grossly
negligent in their handling of that information.”
Indictments Could Be Coming in 'Russiagate'
The Epoch Times
redacted versions of the FBI’s FISA warrant application to surveil Page
revealed that the FBI relied on the largely discredited dossier written by
British ex-spy Christopher Steele, while working for Fusion GPS, a research
company that had been hired and paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign and
Democratic National Committee (DNC) to dig up dirt on Trump. The FBI
apparently hid from the FISA court that the Clinton campaign and DNC had
ordered and paid for the Fusion GPS report, and therefore, indirectly, the
dossier itself.
Clinton-Obama Emails Sought by Sen. Ron Johnson Amid Dems' Impeachment
Fox News
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron
Johnson on Thursday formally sought “all email communications”
between Hillary Clinton and former President Obama, saying the
Justice Department was blocking their release — even though they could
shed light on whether the former secretary of state discussed sensitive
matters on her unsecured personal email system while she was overseas.
CAUGHT: @Judicial Watch Doc: Obama
State Dept COLLUDED with Russian Embassy to Target @RealDonaldTrump;
Pelosi-Schiff Coup -- There's NO Basis For Impeachment; DOJ "Finds" Strzok
Docs it Said it Didn't Have!
5:40 AM - 4 Nov 2019
COUP UPDATE: Abusive Pelosi-Schiff
impeachment has zero due process, is lawless, unconstitutional and born of
corruption. #StoptheCoup #OpposeSedition @JudicialWatch @EpochTimes
6:13 AM - 4 Nov 2019
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