Jack — We will not rest until affordable and accessible healthcare is a reality for every American. 

The 2022 midterms will determine if we keep a Senate majority of healthcare leaders. Can you chip in $5 to help us get a head start on our efforts to support them?


With Supreme Court challenges to abortion and attacks to affordable healthcare across the nation, it’s imperative that we have the tools necessary to elect legislators who will continue to build on the progress we’ve made — and to protect our slim majority in the Senate to pass restorative legislation like the Build Back Better Act

Closing the healthcare coverage gap, expanding and investing in home healthcare options, and lowering costs of life-saving medication like insulin will be out of reach if Democrats lose the majority in 2022.

Team HEAL relies on the power of grassroots contributions from everyday Americans who care about accessible and equitable healthcare. If you believe in this fight, will you chip in $5 right now?


— Team HEAL