Are you interested in the role of technology in politics? Are you committed to a more innovative progressive movement? Do you want to win in 2020?

We thought so – and are so glad you are here.

NewFounders has joined forces with Higher Ground Labs — welcome to the community!
Higher Ground Labs is the leading hub for progressive technology. We are committed to building a stronger ecosystem around technology and politics for 2020 and beyond.  In addition to our investments in political tech startups, we provide information, resources, and platforms for conversation for technologists and practitioners alike.

The HGL community is stronger with you in it. We know you are busy – but engaging with us will help you do what you do better. Here are a few things you can expect: 

  • A monthly Insights newsletter, showing political trends lifted up through new technology.
  • Regular webinars with political and tech leaders discussing best practices in politics.
  • Resources to navigate the political tech space, such as our 2018 Landscape Analysis Report.
  • Access to conferences and convenings to connect with other passionate leaders in our space.
We have a lot of work to do – and we have to work together to get it done.

Jump into the HGL community by joining our first webinar on Data Driven Message Development on Wednesday, November 13th at 12 PM EST.
Register here >>

More soon!
The Higher Ground Labs Team

PS - Want general updates from Higher Ground Labs on our portfolio companies, blog, and team news? Subscribe on our website
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