A Voice for Choice Advocacy, along with our allies at
California Health Coalition Advocacy and Educate.Advocacte., are proud to launch
The Religious Rights Coalition
Religious Rights Coalition is a project to protect and expand access to religious and conscientious beliefs exemptions in California, through a focused signature campaign that will be used to impact policymakers. It is a fundamental right of families and individuals to make health decisions, without coercion, discrimination, or segregation, based on religious and conscientious beliefs.
But, We Can’t Do it Without You!
A Voice for Choice Advocacy needs all our partners, subscribers, and supporters to share the Religious Rights Coalition website (www.religiousrightscoalition.org) with religious leaders, faith based and other organizations, and school representatives and to encourage them to sign on to the Statement of Support. When religious leaders, faith based organizations, and school representatives support the rights of individuals to follow their sincerely held religious and conscientious convictions, it lends validity to the need for exemptions protecting those beliefs. So, please read on and follow the instructions to help make the Religious Rights Coalition campaign a success!
Urgency of the Religious Rights Coalition Project
In the past few years religious rights protections have been challenged by employers and schools. In the next legislative session, RRC anticipates bills being proposed that challenge religious rights, including the following three:
- COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for K - 12 without Personal Belief Exemptions
- HPV/Meningitis Vaccine Mandate for High School Students
- Proof of Vaccination for Patrons to Enter Certain Establishments
Statement of Support
Article One of the California Constitution recognizes every person’s “right to the free exercise and enjoyment of religion without discrimination or preference,” describing this right as “liberty of conscience.” I support the rights of families or individuals to make health decisions, without coercion, discrimination, or segregation, based on religious and conscientious beliefs. This includes the existence of religious and conscientious beliefs exemptions from required vaccines, with those exempted retaining the ability to fully access, without onerous restrictions, in-person employment, education, public resources, and any other function of society.
1. Contact your Religious Leader, Faith Based Organization, and/or School Representatives.
2. Explain to them the need to sign on to the Religious Rights Coalition support statement. This document has basic information about this campaign and frequently asked questions to share with them: http://religiousrightscoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/RRC-Info-Sheet.pdf
3. Spread the word. Can you get 10 religious leaders, 10 organizations, and 10 school reps to sign on in your district by the end of 2021?
4. If you are interested in volunteering to help gather signatures of religious leaders, faith based organizations, and school representatives, please join the Religous Rights Coalition Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/religiousrightscoalition
If you appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.

Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
