From Cary Mitchell <[email protected]>
Subject Russian polls
Date November 4, 2019 6:15 PM
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Dear John,

Dominic Cummings is being investigated for his Russian ties.

Johnson told “so many lies” during Brexit vote, says EU leader.

Now the Government won’t publish a report into Russian interference until after the election. <[link removed]>Can we afford to have these dishonest dealers deciding on Brexit and deciding on our future?

We need to deny Boris Johnson his majority. If just 30% of Remainers vote tactically, it will happen. And we believe our Get Voting tactical engine is the best way to do this. But why is our engine different? <[link removed]>

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We used a much larger sample, 46,000 people in fact <[link removed]>, than most polls, which we gathered just last month. We analysed all that information with a technique called multilevel regression and post-stratification (or MRP if you prefer).

MRP incorporates lots of other data sets <[link removed]>, and is good with taking a big, general sample of opinion, and working out how it that would look in specific areas, like constituencies.

Our site clearly shows the percentage vote share of each party, in each constituency, so you can make an informed decision <[link removed]> about which party has the best chance of beating the Brexiters. Where we can, we take into account candidate’s views and political record.

In Bury North, tactical voting can beat the Conservatives

MRP has correctly predicted the election of Donald Trump, and the surprise wins for Labour in Kensington and Canterbury in 2017, which most pollsters didn’t see coming. We’re very confident in it. <[link removed]>

We also think about long-term trends. We’ve been polling regularly since the European elections, so we aren’t just going off a poll from October, we’re looking at where vote share is moving.

Get Voting now <[link removed]>

This is such a volatile time in politics. The 2017 election results can’t be relied on. Two major parties have different leaders, others have changed their Brexit policy, and an entirely new party has emerged. Our data is the most up-to-date, reliable information to go on.

This volatility means we will also be updating our recommendations <[link removed]>, taking into account the wider political situation as it unfolds. Keep checking our site, and keep ahead of the news.

Best wishes,

Cary Mitchell
Head of Campaigns, Best for Britain

P.S. If you want to know more about our method, and how we make recommendations, please look at the FAQs on our website. <[link removed]>

Best For Britain - United Kingdom
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