Basically the entire GOP establishment, from the “moderates” to the extremists are throwing their support behind Dr. Oz.
Let’s play a game, John: Can you spot all the red flags in this tweet? 🚩

🚩 Delaware — one of Oz’s first fundraiser to be a U.S. Senator for Pennsylvania isn’t even in Pennsylvania
🚩 $1,000 MINIMUM donation just to attend
🚩 The co-hosts: former GOP Governor Mike Castle (a former “moderate” now endorsing Oz), FBI director Louie Freeh, Reagan spox Frank Ursomarso, and members of the DuPont family (of chemical company and major polluter DuPont)
So… yeah. Basically the entire GOP establishment, from the “moderates” to the extremists are throwing their support behind Dr. Oz.
Here’s why we need to worry about that: The people throwing their support behind Dr. Oz are his fellow millionaires and elites, who are able to throw nearly endless amounts of money into this race. Just a couple days ago it was reported that a Super PAC was created for that very purpose — to funnel unlimited funds into Dr. Oz’s candidacy.
We don’t have endless money from millionaire donors, John. In fact, John refuses to accept any PAC money or contributions from the fossil fuel industry.
That’s why donations from grassroots supporters like you make such a difference. Every dollar you give is another dollar against Dr. Oz and the GOP establishment funding his campaign.
So, what do you say? Can you make a donation of $5 or more today to help cancel out the donation Dr. Oz is going to receive from this Delaware fundraising event? Please give before our mid-month deadline tonight at midnight, if you can.
Contribute $5
Thanks for all you’ve done to help us cancel out Dr. Oz’s self-funding this month, John. We couldn’t do it without you.
—Team Fetterman