We can’t start off like this
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President Trump reached out. 
David reached out. 

Now we’re reaching out again. Are you ignoring us, Fellow Conservative?

This time, I’m afraid we have some bad news: our first deadline is less than 24 hours away and things are not looking good. 

We’re not going to lie, we’ve got our work cut out for us over these next 24 hours, but we know with President Trump and patriots like you on our team, we can CRUSH this first major deadline. But we can’t waste a single minute more. 

Come hell or highwater, we are taking on Stacey Abrams and we will make sure she NEVER becomes the Governor of Georgia. 

The only way to UNITE Republicans and STOP Stacey is by ensuring we elect David Perdue as our next Governor. 

We’re calling David in TWO hours to let him know where things stand. I hope we can tell him he was right to count on you, Fellow Conservative. Please, don’t abandon us now.

Thank you, 

Team Perdue

Paid for by Perdue for Governor, Inc.

Perdue for Governor, Inc.
P.O. Box 12077
Atlanta, GA 30355 


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