Hi John,

This picture is exactly what I do not want for you this month.
Email inbox with 13,311 unread messages

I really want to avoid sending you a blitz of emails, all in just a few short days, asking for your help to make our end-of-quarter goals. After all, this time of year should be shared with your family, not managing your inbox.

I want to be respectful of your time, but I also need you to know that, based on our current trajectory, we won't make the mark without the support of grassroots donors like you.

I know you don't need me to tell you that the stakes are incredibly high for the coming midterm election. Everything is on the line, from a woman’s right to choose to tackling the climate crisis while there’s still time.

John, can you chip in $5, or anything you can, to hit our goal and avoid the end-of-year scramble? That way, we will head into 2022 in a strong position to finally take back this district from the far-right.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks so much,

Kara Hahn

Kara Hahn is a lifelong Long Islander, social worker, county legislator, and candidate for Congress in NY-01. This open seat is a must win for Democrats to defend our majority in the House and continue driving progress in America, but we can't do it without your help. Make a recurring donation to sustain our movement for the long haul and send Kara to Congress!