20 years ago Congress threw caution and civil liberties to the wind and passed the Patriot Act. That means that there's a whole generation of Americans who were born and raised with a government constantly peeping in on their phones, devices, computers.
This gargantuan surveillance law has made life harder for Muslims, immigrants, protesters, and communities of color. It has ruined the lives of many innocent people.
20 years is long enough. It's time to end the Patriot Act once and for all.
Sign the petition: Tell Congress to end the Patriot Act and all other forms of warrantless surveillance!
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Back in 2001, just weeks after the 9/11 terror attacks, most members of Congress voted in the Patriot Act without even reading the bill in full. Their knee-jerk reaction to a national trauma ushered in an era of far-reaching mass surveillance that has undermined our basic rights and freedoms.
What has the Patriot Act made vulnerable? Your phone calls, contact list, emails, text messages, social media messages, online financial transactions, and search engine history. Under the Patriot Act, the government has collected all this data without needing a warrant or probable cause for a crime.
Because of activists like you, last year, we gutted a key provision of the Patriot Act called Section 215. But that’s just one part of a multi-headed monster. 20 years later, it’s clear: the Patriot Act needs to be shut down for good.
Sign the petition: Tell Congress to end the Patriot Act and all other forms of warrantless surveillance!
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In solidarity,