Dear Patriot,
Spend your paycheck right away. Borrow lots of
money. I call that a recipe for disaster.
But according to a recent article in Bloomberg, that’s how good Americans like you can beat the rapidly accelerating
“inflation” caused by the Federal Reserve’s massive bailouts and non-stop money printing.
Bloomberg’s article even suggested taking advice on how to cope with massive inflation from Venezuela.
Patriot, you know things are getting bad when economists and reporters suggest Americans take financial advice from a
country suffering the effects of hyperinflation! Because of skyrocketing prices on everything
from gasoline to groceries, the Federal Reserve is back on the radar for Americans struggling to get by after nearly two years of COVID tyranny. The last time inflation reached levels this high was 1982 according to the latest Consumer Price
Index (CPI) calculation. More people than ever are starting to realize it’s no
coincidence prices are going up -- it’s the out-of-control spending by Congress enabled in whole by the Federal Reserve.
And we are certainly in dangerous territory with $Trillions more spending on the table for President Joe Biden, House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Patriot, at
this rate, we’re headed off a cliff. That’s where you and I come in.
Audit the Fed legislation has been introduced in both chambers, and it’s well past time to get it
moving. It’s time to push for Rep. Thomas Massie’s (R-KY) H.R. 24, The Federal
Reserve Transparency Act, and my son, Senator Rand Paul’s (R-KY), companion bill, S. 573.
Sign the petition to your U.S. Representative
and Senators DEMANDING they cosponsor Audit the Fed while there’s still time to save this country from HYPERinflation.
The actions of the Federal Reserve and spending by Congress have created the
most massive asset bubbles in the history of the world and the worst inflation in the U.S. in at least 40 years.
I suspect it’s even worse than they’re letting on. It could be the worst inflation ever. Now the solution being presented is to “prick the bubble.”
Today, the Federal Reserve announced a plan to eventually make moves to curb inflation and raise interest rates. We’ve heard that story before.
In the 1980’s the Federal Reserve took drastic steps to raise rates, which reigned in the massive inflation back then, but does anyone really
trust them to do the hard thing now? I don’t know about you, but I certainly
do not. What needs to happen is a full and complete audit and Patriot, I think the
pressure could be applied to finally do it for the first time in the Federal Reserve’s 108-year history.
The bad news is today we sit with just 58 cosponsors in the House, which is a far cry from where we need to be. I undertand
Congress has been bogged down with COVID, and Audit the Fed hasn’t been a priority. But
given the fact the Fed is at the root of America’s financial crisis now and was a player in the print-money-now for COVID bailouts, it’s
now time to see all the Fed has been up to! I’m urging you to take action AT ONCE to move
these vitally important bills forward. Sign the petition to your U.S. Representative and
Senators DEMANDING they cosponsor Audit the Fed while there’s still time to save this country from HYPERinflation.
Once you’ve done that, please consider a generous
donation to Campaign for Liberty and our efforts to force transparency of the reckless Federal Reserve. $25, $75, or whatever you can
afford. If passed, Audit the Fed would finally show the American people that
the Federal Reserve System leads to: *** Constant economic crises. The
2008 housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money
manipulation. And we’re in the midst of another bubble that could burst any second; ***
The destruction of the middle class. As food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the
government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money plummets; ***
Currency destruction. History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally
realize our money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it.
We don’t have much time to push the cosponsor count into the 100’s where it needs to be for a major push . . . before they put the
final nail in the coffin of the Dollar. Your support will allow us to take immediate
action to gain cosponsors with a big push across multiple platforms: 1) Deploy
targeted online ads which may be THE most cost-effective way for you and me to turn up the heat!
2) Use mail and email to contact up to 12 million Americans from coast-to-coast to generate petitions just like the one
I’m asking you to sign today; 3) Work the talk-radio lines to explain exactly
why Audit the Fed is absolutely critical to stopping the economic DISASTER I’m worried is right around the corner; and
4) Launch an all-out email and phone mobilization campaign to explain to the American people
exactly why the Federal Reserve MUST be exposed. We know the Federal Reserve is the root of all evil in government because
they pay for the worst actions, like COVID mandates and shutdowns, endless wars, and Wall Street bailouts.
Yahoo Finance reported on failed Fed Chairman Jerome Powell's press conference:
Specifically, many investors
anticipate the Fed will ramp up the rate of tapering of its asset-purchasing program, which took place at a rate of $120 billion per month in combined
Treasuries and agency mortgage-backed securities from the start of the pandemic through November. Last month, the Fed began dialing back these
purchases by $15 billion, and announced another $15 billion reduction for December. Of course, they never question why the Federal Reserve was doing this in the first place!
Their constant currency manipulation has done nothing but slowly destroy the Dollar over a century.
But since the manufactured Coronacrisis, they’ve finally started to do it a little too quickly. Almost comically (if it wasn’t so damaging to our country), President Biden announced on
Twitter last week that our country “pays its bills on time,” which is why he’s now eager to sign off on raising the debt limit. Talk about an oxymoron! I have to say, my
favorite reply to Biden’s proud announcement about even more debt, which will be paid for by you and me, our children and our grandchildren, was
Natalie Brunell, Bitcoin analyst: “We just paid our Visa with our MasterCard.”
It’s as if Joe Biden has no clue what Americans are actually experiencing when it comes to massive inflation, just as they
are really taking notice of the massive dent in their bottom line.
It’s time to stand up to the insanity of the Federal Reserve’s money printing, and Congress needs to take action by advancing Rep. Thomas
Massie’s H.R. 24, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act, and Senator Rand Paul’s, companion bill, S. 573. Sign the petition!
I fear there is very little time left to avoid a catastrophe that would be worse than the Great Depression, which
means it’s time for Congress to act quickly. Relying on the unelected and unaccountable
Federal Reserve board to clean up the mess they’ve made is not a wise plan. I thank you
in advance for your action. For Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S.
It’s up to you and me to create the sense of urgency about Audit the Fed in Congress that is severely lacking right now.
If you and I don’t do it, who will? That’s why I
am asking for your immediate action demanding your U.S. Senators and Representative cosponsor H.R. 24/S. 573 for a full and complete audit of the
Federal Reserve . . . . . . before it’s too late!
Click here to sign
the petition. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please
click here.
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and
defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy,
by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.