Dear John,
Do you have a sustainability hero? Nominations are now open for the 2020 Joan Bavaria Award. |
The Joan Bavaria Award is presented annually by Ceres and Trillium Asset Management to recognize a unique investor or NGO leader who is working to transform the capital markets into a system that balances economic prosperity with social and environmental concerns. |
Nominations will be accepted through Friday, December 13, 2019, and we will announce the winner of the 2020 Joan Bavaria Award at
Ceres 2020 in New York, March 23 - 26.
Joan Bavaria was a pioneer of social investing. She dedicated her life to social investing and motivating other investors to do the same. She founded both Ceres and Trillium Asset Management, and her influence is still reflected by our efforts to build a sustainable global economy.
In 2008, Ceres and Trillium Asset Management created the Joan Bavaria Award in Joan's honor, after she lost her prolonged battle with cancer. Joan is recognized as a personal hero by many sustainability leaders and the Joan Bavaria Award aims to carry on her legacy by honoring other sustainability leaders across the planet.
To learn more about the Joan Bavaria Award, please click here.
We hope you’ll help honor Joan by nominating your sustainability hero for the 2020 Joan Bavaria award. |
Nominate your hero today!
Thank you,
The Ceres Team
P.S. Registration for Ceres 2020 in NY is now open! Join hundreds of sustainability leaders as we map out next steps for increased investor and corporate action on sustainability issues like climate change, water scarcity and pollution, inequitable workplaces and more. Register here. |
Thank you to our Bavaria Award Sponsor!