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December 15, 2021
Welcome to the December 2021 edition of Transparency! As we wrap up another productive year, we at Credential Engine want to begin by thanking everyone that helped to advance this important work of credential transparency. Thank you to our funders, partners, collaborators, staff members, and advocates. To work well, credential transparency must be a shared vision. All of your support is making this vision — and its many benefits — attainable. We wish you all a happy end to 2021, and a successful 2022!
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The Recording of Our 2021 State Convening is Now Available!

As you may know, Credential Engine’s Fourth Annual State Convening took place on November 30, 2021! It featured various expert panelists and guest speakers who are actively working to advance the theme of this year’s convening: “Toward a More Transparent Credential Landscape Through Policy, Leadership, and Equity.”

If you were unable to join us for the entirety of our 2021 State Convening, we now have the recording available on YouTube. The video description contains timestamps to the start of the different sessions throughout the Convening. This way you can easily navigate between sessions and share them with colleagues.

The entire Credential Engine team wants to extend a sincere thank you to the wonderful panelists who made the Convening as engaging as ever and charted paths for us to continue carrying this work forward. The overwhelming feedback is that this year’s Convening was engaging and energizing, which would not have been possible without all of you. We look forward to seeing all of you at next year’s Convening!

Policy Corner.

Credential Engine Forges Ahead Toward a More Equitable Credential Landscape 

Credential Engine is excited to announce it has received a new grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The grant is a continuation of the foundation’s vital support for a shared vision for a more transparent and equitable credential marketplace. With this grant, Credential Engine will establish an Equity Advisory Council, expand its state partner network, and enhance the ability to publish rich pathways. The Council of Equitable Transfer, Pathways, and Data Transparency will bring together a coalition of equity-focused stakeholders to identify appropriate definitions of equitable pathways and transfer, and will develop guidelines for the publishing of and appropriate use of the data to maximize the likelihood of equitable outcomes. In addition, this support allows Credential Engine to further expand its network of state partners and implement key technical improvements to streamline the publishing of pathways to the Credential Registry. Read the full press release.

Credential Engine Joins the Workforce Innovation Network

Credential Engine has recently become a partner of the Workforce Innovation Network (WIN) — an initiative from the National Governors Association (NGA) Workforce Development and Economic Policy Program. Since its founding in January 2021, NGA WIN has been a nonpartisan learning and action collaborative for state leaders committed to building an inclusive and resilient workforce and leading an equitable post-pandemic recovery. Credential Engine joins an impressive group of over twenty subject matter experts, industry leaders, and funders to offer technical assistance to Governors and state leaders in support of their workforce innovation efforts. Read more.

State Connections.

Can Connections Between Data Systems Propel Economic Recovery? Three States Say Yes.

With nearly half of the states forging partnerships with Credential Engine, this commitment is growing across the country as more and more states identify credential transparency as crucial for economic recovery and long-term flexibility. Recently, Forbes published an article highlighting why three states — Alabama, Connecticut, and Florida — are committed to credential transparency. There are over 23,000 credentials combined across these states — each representing an opportunity for their residents to get ahead, opportunities that are made clearer and more attainable through credential transparency. Read the full article to learn more about the efforts in Alabama, Connecticut, and Florida.


Credential Engine is Seeking a Project Manager

Credential Engine is searching for a Project Manager to join our state team and support a growing number of state and regional partnerships. The position is full-time and remote/flexible in the United States. Credential Engine is an equal opportunity employer. Women and people of color are encouraged to apply. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the job's essential functions. To apply for this position, please submit a resume and cover letter to [email protected] with “Project Manager” in the subject line. The position will remain open until filled. Read the job posting.

The Vermont Credential Transparency Project

The Vermont Credential Transparency Project (VCTP) is an initiative from Advance Vermont aimed at bringing greater understanding to the credential marketplace. Their goal is to inventory all postsecondary credentials available in Vermont by 2022 for the benefit of students, workers, education and training providers, and state leaders. With transparent credential data, Advance Vermont will give all Vermonters access to clear and accurate information so they may find the educational pathway that best fits their lives. Advance Vermont believes the civic and economic vitality of the state improves when everyone can identify education and training opportunities and easily see the value of post-high school credentials. Learn more.

Technology & Support.

The Education Blockchain Initiative

The American Council on Education (ACE) recently published a report on ACE’s Education Blockchain Initiative. The 18-month project aims to give learners more sovereignty over their digital identities, facilitate lifelong learning, and broaden employment opportunities through technology and data. Important contributions to this project are the Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) and the Credential Registry. These Credential Engine technologies helped to enable interoperability and alignments necessary for this initiative to properly serve the education technology community. Read the report.


  1. Can Connections Between Data Systems Propel Economic Recovery? Three States Say Yes.
  2. Credential Engine Forges Ahead Toward a More Equitable Credential Landscape
  3. Credential Engine Joins the Workforce Innovation Network
  4. The Recording of Our 2021 State Convening is Now Available!
  5. Credential Engine is Seeking a Project Manager!
  6. Navigating Canada’s Messy Education and Training Marketplace for Career-Focused Learning
  7. American Council on Education Releases Blockchain Findings
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