
I just got the news straight from President Donald J. Trump himself… our campaign has earned his endorsement AGAIN!

President Trump knows just how bad the Democrats’ agenda has been. They have done all they can to undo his tremendous legacy, and as a result, America is facing more crises than ever! Fortunately, Trump has given me his endorsement, and now it’s time to meet his expectations and keep up the fight in TX-24!

Trump chose me for a reason. He knows that I will never back down while the Democrats’ policies threaten families, businesses, and our nation’s future. This is why he called and encouraged me to keep up the fight, so next year we can deliver America out from under the Left’s authoritarian rule!
The Left is coming after me with all they’ve got simply because I have pride in our nation, and I refuse to bow down to their radical agenda. I have relentlessly pushed America First solutions that will empower our country, protect our people, and create opportunities that go far and beyond anything some big government Marxist could do!
I’m not going to let President Trump down, and I hope you won’t either! The House elections are just around the corner, and we need YOU to join President Trump and I as we continue to fight to take back the House in 2022! Can we count on you?

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne