Run for Something

Hi there --

TOMORROW IS ELECTION DAY for 155 Run for Something candidates, and we could not be more excited. First things first: Figure out whether, where, and when you can vote at right now, then come back and read the rest of this email.

Ready? Cool. Some topline stats about our slate tomorrow:

  • 50% identify as women or non-binary
  • 38% identify as people of color
  • 18% identify as LGBTQIA
  • We have candidates running in 25 states -- our top states are Indiana (28), Virginia (26), Pennsylvania (19), New York (12), Massachusetts (12), and Colorado (8)
  • 120 candidates are running for municipal office, including law enforcement roles, school board seats, and city/county council

We have chances to flip the entire VA state legislature, flip a seat in the Texas state house, and make progress on winning municipal offices in red states. Meet our full slate of candidates here.

We are so proud to have helped these candidates with campaign strategy, operations, volunteer recruitment, amplification, mentorship, community-building, and more. And whether they win or lose, these  races -- races that nearly all other parts of the Democratic party ecosystem overlook -- give candidates the confidence and resources they need to run strong, grassroots-focused campaigns that increase Democratic turnout by at least 1% and further the party brand. And that's really fucking cool.

So, tomorrow. Make sure you vote, if there's an election near you (double check, even if you're sure!). If you've got a little time today or tomorrow, volunteer to help get out the vote. Short on time, but think you could spare a few bucks to help cover our expenses? Chip in -- any amount helps in races like these.

And most importantly, make sure to remind your friends and family that Election Day is tomorrow. Not a year away. It's here, and it matters.

Thank you,

Amanda Litman

Run for Something

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