Meet the Montana progressive who will help Dems keep control of Congress -- Tom Winter (MT-01). RSVP HERE!

Turn on images to see Tom Winter.

Winter is coming! Tom Winter, that is...the bold progressive running for Congress in Montana's 1st Congressional District.

Remember when corporate Democrats blocked the most popular parts of Build Back Better? That showed why we need to expand our majority with progressives. Tom Winter will help Democrats keep control of Congress and advance a bold progressive agenda.

Thursday (tomorrow) you can meet Tom on Zoom and ask him about the policies that are important to YOU!

Please join us for our next Meet the Candidates virtual event TOMORROW, Thursday, December 16 at 7pm Eastern Time. This will be an intimate and inspiring Zoom call, and you’ll get to ask Tom about policies YOU care about. RSVP HERE!

Tom is a climate champion who supports a Green New Deal, an outspoken advocate for voting rights, and has a plan to tackle the opioid crisis by taking on Big Pharma in Washington.

Tom is also a former member of the Montana State House, where he flipped an 11+ Trump district. He’s a current member of IBEW 206 and will fight for everyday Americans, not corporate interests.

Winter is coming to Washington…Tom Winter that is, but he’s going to need our help to get there. RSVP here to meet Tom TOMORROW, December 16 at 7pm ET.

We can’t wait to see you!

-- Rachel Queirolo, PCCC Development Director

P.S. Our Meet the Candidates events are FREE, but if you can, please consider chipping in to help Tom Winter’s campaign for Congress...much appreciated!






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