Don't fall behind on the facts.

Last month we added 4,142 new statements, 88 new bills & resolutions, and kept tabs on the upcoming November elections. Want to follow the news without all the spin? You'll find that here; in our research wrap-up for October.



Elections Security

Elections security has been a hot topic leading up to the November elections. Learn what your representatives are saying here.

Presidential Veto

President Trump vetoed Senate Joint Resolution 54 on October 17th, which authorized the termination of his southern border national emergency declaration. The Senate attempted to override the veto the same day, but failed to achieve the necessary supermajority. Click here to see our complete coverage of the resolution. 

Remembering Congressman Cummings

Congressman Elijah Cummings (D - MD) passed away on October 17th. You can check out his profile and his career in Congress here, and click here to see how Congress is remembering him. 



House Resolution 2203 

The US House passed a bill to increase transparency, accountability, and community engagement within the Department of Homeland Security. Read out complete coverage here.

Senate Joint Resolution 53

This Senate joint resolution that expressed disapproval of the repeal of the Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Power Plan failed, 53-41. Learn more about the vote here.

Outsourcing Accountability Act

The US House voted 226-184 to pass the Outsourcing Accountability Act, which requires corporations to disclose the number and location of outsourced jobs to the Securities and Exchange Commission.



Mississippi, New Jersey, Virginia, Kentucky, and have elections on November 5th! 

Preparing for elections in Mississippi? You can check out the candidates running for Governor here, and the candidates for the State Legislature here!

Want to find out more about the candidates running for the New Jersey State Legislature? Check out the full list of candidates here!

Virginia has elections for the State Legislature coming up. Want to learn more about the candidates? Learn about them all out here!

Kentucky's Gubernatorial election also takes place on November 5th. Find all the candidates for Governor here!

Several states will also have the opportunity to vote on special ballot measures this Tuesday. Check to see what measures will be on the ballot for your state here!


Thanks for following along with us this month. We'll be back with more updates soon. Until then, keep up with the latest information on the Vote Smart blog.


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Vote Smart is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that provides accurate information about candidates, elected officials, and key pieces of legislation. By providing information in an easy and accessible manner, Vote Smart believes that citizens can better defend themselves from the questionable rhetoric and misrepresentation that characterizes present-day political campaigns.