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 Embolden The Fight For Reproductive and Gender Justice!

Dear John,

With so much unrest across the globe due to constant attacks on reproductive and sexual justice, we can’t help but feel the weight of the oppressive acts we have seen and heard deep down into our bones. 
Stand Up For Reproductive and Gender Justice!
I don’t know about you, but it stirs up a fire in us. We must stand up and represent women, girls, trans men, and gender non-conforming individuals, now more than ever, who are coming face-to-face with blatant acts of reproductive and gender oppression around the world.

Feminist organizations and activists across the globe have been leading efforts opposing bills and other policies introduced in legislatures and municipalities that restrict or aim to eliminate access to abortion care.
These attacks on reproductive and gender rights won't go unanswered. UAF's grantees are standing up and fighting back!
  • Indigenous activists in Canada are protecting their local communities' reproductive health rights. 
  • In Lebanon, Jeyetna is raising awareness around the disparity of access to period products. Jeyetna supports women’s access to reproductive health professionals so that girls and women may learn about various reusable and disposable period products. 
  • In Poland, grantees are supporting sexual and reproductive health rights activists. These activists are campaigning domestically and internationally to strengthen opposition to the Constitutional Tribunal decision removing fetal abnormalities from the grounds of abortion, which effectively restricted 99% of abortion access.
In the wake of Senate Bill 8 (SB8) and the recent arguments seeking to overturn Roe v Wade in the US, UAF grantees are taking a stand against the unnecessary barriers women, girls, trans men, and gender non-conforming individuals face when seeking abortion care. Abortion funds, abortion providers, and grassroots-led organizations are working both in and out-of-state to ensure that all people, regardless of geography and class, have access to safe, compassionate abortion care and support.
Stand Up For Reproductive and Gender Justice!

2021 has shown us that we still have a long way to go before choices that women, girls, trans men, and non-binary persons make regarding their own bodies are fully respected and recognized. When women and trans persons are able to control their reproductive and sexual destinies, they are able to pursue freely their educations, their relationships, and their careers, which in turn enriches the lives of their communities and families. 

When you answer UAF’s call and make a donation, you are taking a stand for freedom and fulfilled dreams. End 2021 on a high note -- giving to UAF emboldens the fight for reproductive and gender justice!

Sending love and hope,
The UAF Team
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