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"Thank You for Supporting DRA This Year!"
Image: "Thank You for Supporting DRA This Year!"
Image: Portrait of President & CEO Kathy Martinez
Portrait of President & CEO Kathy Martinez
Dear DRA Community,
In my e-mail last week releasing our 2021 annual report, I mentioned DRA’s case against U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  Before the year is through, I want to take a moment to thank each one of you who, since the Fund was established in 2016, have contributed to the Larry Paradis Legacy Fund
The Fund, created to carry forward the legacy of late DRA co-founder Larry Paradis, provides seed funding for big, costly, risky cases like our case against ICE which are essential to fulfilling DRA’s mission.

Thanks to your generous contributions, DRA was able to dive in deep to this massive case that addresses racial and other intersecting systemic inequities facing people with disabilities in immigration detention facilities across the nation. Working in partnership over the last two years with the Southern Poverty Law Center, Civil Rights Education and Enforcement Center, Orrick, Willkie Far & Gallagher LLP, Al Otro Lado, the Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice, and countless other advocates and individuals on-the-ground and in detention, we have made laudable progress.

Early in the pandemic, DRA and our partners filed a request for a preliminary injunction in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California to ensure ICE take immediate steps to respond to the pandemic and protect people who are at heightened risk for complications or death from COVID-19 in immigration detention. Since then, we’ve won several victories as a result of that preliminary injunction:
  • At least 20,000 people were released from immigration detention pursuant to a custody review process created under the preliminary injunction.
  • ICE was ordered to establish COVID-19 safety protocols inside facilities—protecting the lives and safety of those who remain in detention.
  • A special master was appointed to monitor ICE’s compliance with protocols established pursuant to the preliminary injunction.
  • ICE was ordered to offer vaccines to all people at heightened risk for COVID-19 in their custody.
  • A hotline was established to create a free and confidential space where people in detention can reach counsel directly about issues they’re facing that are compromising their health, safety and legal rights and seek guidance related to the custody review process.
We’re proud of these victories for our clients but the fight isn’t over. The 9th Circuit recently ruled to reverse the preliminary injunction, and much work lies ahead to change the way our nation treats people with disabilities who have immigrated to the United States. Cases of this vast scale, impact, and cost are only possible for DRA to take on with donor support. To all of the Larry Paradis Legacy Fund donors:

“Your funds were critical and have been well-spent. DRA is one of the only organizations in the country qualified to tackle these types of disability justice battles and I’m proud to be a part of bringing about life-saving systemic change.” –Bill Alderman, former DRA Board member and Current DRA Co-Counsel and Advisor.

If you haven’t yet made your end of year contribution, please consider investing in the future of disability justice with a meaningful year-end gift to DRA

With gratitude,

Kathy Martinez, President & CEO, Disability Rights Advocates
Kathy Martinez signature
Image: Kathy Martinez signature
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