Stand with American Values as we stand for life! Fighting For Faith, Family & Freedom Tuesday, December 14, 2021 To: Friends & Supporters From: Gary Bauer [Special Notice: You are receiving this message from my non-profit organization, American Values. American Values is renting the Campaign for Working Families e-mail list at fair market value. If you do not wish to receive messages from American Values, please click here to opt-out.] ICYMI: Fight The Pro-Abortion Left! Click here now to make your best tax-deductible gift to American Values. Here's some good news, my friends: I believe a historic pro-life victory at the Supreme Court is just months away! Here's the bad news: The radical pro-abortion left believes that too. That's why it's going on the attack now. Pro-abortion politicians in Congress are pushing legislation to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law. Left Coast liberals want California to subsidize "abortion tourism" – literally paying women from other states to get their abortions in California. One left-wing media outlet reports that progressive activists "see political opportunity in a looming abortion disaster." I know many of us are looking forward to celebrating Christmas and New Year's, and spending time with friends and family. But this is not the time for complacency. The left is energized. Its radical pro-abortion base is furious, and it's fighting hard to reverse all the gains we have made. We MUST rise to this challenge now. We cannot fail another generation of innocent babies. Please stand American Values now as we stand for life! Help us fight the extreme pro-abortion left! Year-end donations account for the bulk of our annual budget, and those needs are going to increase tremendously next year when the Supreme Court ends abortion on demand. Please make the best donation you can to help us advance the sanctity of life! American Values can also accept corporate donations, stock gifts and foundation grants. Don't forget that your gifts to American Values are fully tax-deductible, so please be as generous as you can. Thank you, my friends! MAKE YOUR TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION NOW! As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, donations to American Values are tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions may be mailed to the following address: American Values PO Box 1223 Merrifield, VA 22116-1223 Phone: 703-671-9700 VISIT END OF DAY ARCHIVES EMAIL GARY BAUER FOLLOW GARY ON PARLER American Values | American Values | PO Box 1223, Merrifield, VA 22116-1223 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by