We added a couple of really exciting new endorsements yesterday! I'm proud to say that our campaign has been endorsed by former Cotati Vice Mayor Pia Jensen and The California Progressive Alliance. They recognize the need for change and our hard work to make that happen. Our campaign will have the most signatures gathered of any campaign in our race, which means that no one is working harder for your vote. No one. If you can contribute to our effort to make the ballot, please do. Even if it's just a few dollars. But if you have enough to contribute a little more, for others who cannot afford it, we ask that you help how you can. Thank you.


This campaign is a campaign of the people, for the people and by the people. As such, it is funded by individual donations from people just like you. We do not accept corporate donations or money from lobbyists or super PACs. 

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Jason Kishineff for Congress 2018 · 100 Via Belagio · American Canyon, Ca 94503 · USA

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