From Critical Resistance <>
Subject Building a Movement Where Abolition Is Essential
Date December 14, 2021 9:00 PM
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150+ presentations, workshops and more.

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We're Building a Movement where #AbolitionIsEssential.
Can you help sustain CR’s organizing this year?
We invite you to support our year-end fundraiser with a gift this month. ([link removed])

Abolition teaches us that our struggles are interconnected — to build our movement broad and deep. In the past year, CR has made over 150 presentations to supporters, decision-makers, media and movement partners. CR members led workshops for public health allies, formerly imprisoned and systems-impacted youth, the Abolition NOW network, and more. We hosted 6 online cohorts of Intro to the Prison Industrial Complex and Abolition workshops, training 73 new members and volunteers in 2021. It's been a busy year! Thank you for helping us strengthen political unity in our movement.

Your generous support ([link removed]) helps us build a movement full of of organizations, leaders, and supporters who make it clear that #AbolitionIsEssential -- Learn more about these efforts and partnerships in our Year End Letter HERE ([link removed]) ! Can you make a gift this month ([link removed]) and sustain this essential organizing?

The Freedom Fridays series at our 4400 Telegraph building in North Oakland strengthened essential organizing relationships in 2021. Over 700 people have joined calls to action to Defund the Oakland Police Department (OPD), close California prisons, drop Life Without Parole sentencing, and more.
Fighting the Violence of Policing

An impactful movement alliance this year is the Defund Police coalition. In Oakland, CA, where over 50% of the city’s general fund goes to the Oakland Police Department (OPD), the Defund OPD campaign and CR Oakland are campaigning to shift power out of OPD and back into community.

CR Oakland has contributed to Defund Police coalition planning, campaign strategy, media, youth education, and outreach efforts. Read more about our recent campaign wins, coalitional partners, and how you can keep CR's work moving strongly HERE ([link removed]) .
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** Announcements: Hot off the press!
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Sneak Preview of The Abolitionist ([link removed]) Issue #36: ([link removed]) What’s the Call? FREE THEM ALL - Organizing to Liberate Political Prisoners
Our Winter 2021 issue of our newspaper ([link removed]) heads to print next week, featuring articles on "Pathways toward Freedom," or strategies for getting people out of cages. Read the "sneak peek" ([link removed]) online here ([link removed]) , a group interview about defending and freeing political prisoners in the US and Palestine with Jericho Movement, RAPP, and Addameer Prisoner Support & Human Rights Association.

S ([link removed]) ign up for a paid subscription by December 14 ([link removed]) to receive the issue in the next few weeks. Every paid subscription sponsors free subscriptions for imprisoned people.
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LESSONS IN LIBERATION toolkit: Purchase a copy of Lessons in Liberation ([link removed]) directly from CR ([link removed]) !

This is a new resource to build critical and intentional connections to the growing movement for the abolition of the prison industrial complex, particularly in PreK-12 learning contexts. Edited and compiled by CR and Education for Liberation Network; Published by AK Press in Fall 2021.

Get your copy or one for a friend today! ([link removed])

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Fresh Colors for "Building People Power" Tote Bags!

We have a new limited winter run of "Building People Power" tote bag: red with black ink and black with gold ink! Design reflects the "Building People Power" signage by Oakland's own painter Dom Villeda. ([link removed])

Buy your bag and shop for merch on our website here! ([link removed])

Tote bags are also available as Thank you gifts when you make a donation.
Donate here ([link removed]) .

Critical Resistance is majority grassroots-funded. Donate today!
#SustainCR with monthly donations or a one-time gift. ([link removed])
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Mural by Leslie “Dime” Lopez at 4400 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA, 2019.
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Critical Resistance
PO Box 22780
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