Dear friend,
After more than a year since the COVID‑19 pandemic halted our international photography assignments, I was thrilled to finally get back on the road this summer.
I had missed working with people and documenting stories from the communities we serve. Stories from people like Stephen, a farmer I met in Uganda, pictured below. His maize fields are vulnerable to dry spells and severe flooding which can destroy crops. Stephen participated in a Mercy Corps training to learn about drought-resistant crops and agricultural techniques. Today, his harvests have improved, and he’s better able to provide for his five children.
I’m so proud of the way our global teams and freelance photographers have captured people’s creativity and courage in this year’s top 10 photos. I hope you enjoy seeing some of the ways your support can help improve livelihoods across the globe.
Wishing you a happy and healthy new year,
Ezra Millstein
Mercy Corps Senior Global Photographer
Ezra is a passionate photographer and filmmaker who is dedicated to sharing the stories of people impacted by Mercy Corps programs around the world. His colorful images have been described as the palette of our organization, and his visual storytelling is at the heart of our work.
P.S. If these images and stories make you feel good (we hope they do!), we’d like you to have our 2022 print calendar, no strings attached. It’s full of more powerful photos of the impact we can have together! Request your 2022 calendar here ▸