Dear John,
Big Plastic is feeling the heat and wants the public to believe that plastic pollution is your fault. If only you would recycle more. If only your community could manage all your trash.
We’re not falling for it! Plastic pollution is not your fault. Plastic recycling is a myth. The truth is that plastic was never made to be recycled. Only 9% of all of the plastic ever made has been “recycled.” Even the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency includes downcycling, shipping overseas, and incineration in their definition of “recycling.” Plastic pollution is a global crisis and with your support we can turn the tide. All gifts received by December 31st will be DOUBLED! Plastic Pollution Coalition reduces plastic production and consumption by educating and connecting people and groups to advocate for a more just, equitable world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts.
We’re doing this by advocating for: - common sense policies proposed in the U.S. federal Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act, like a National Bottle Bill, and State
Extended Producer Responsibility bills,
- the U.S. National Park Service to stop selling plastic bottled water and other single-use plastics in our parks,
- the passage of the California Recycling and Plastic Pollution Reduction Act, a first-in-the-nation law that could effectively end certain major sources of plastic pollution, appearing on the November 2022 ballot, and
- the U.S. to lead on a Global Plastics Treaty.
Given the gridlock in Congress, there is a need to focus more at the State and global level. But to do all of this, we need your help.
Will you support Plastic Pollution Coalition with a gift today to help us ramp up our advocacy work to stop plastic pollution?
All gifts received by December 31st will be DOUBLED thanks to a match from a generous donor. Will you double your impact by donating today?
Thanks for all you do to create a more just, equitable world free of plastic pollution and it’s toxic impact.
In Solidarity, 
Jackie Nuñez Founder, The Last Plastic Straw Advocacy & Engagement Manager, Plastic Pollution Coalition
P.S. Please forward this email to friends and family to DOUBLE their gifts before December 31st. Or make a gift in their honor!