John, we still have time

Hi John,

Tomorrow is Election Day 2019, and today is our last day to reach voters before polls open.

Please chip in to our GOTV Fund to give Connecticut Democrats staff and volunteers the resources we need to fund our field operation for this final day before Election Day→

Donate $15 Now

Donate $25 Now

Donate $50 Now

Donate $100 Now

Donate Another Amount

Connecticut Democrats have a lot of great candidates on the ballot this year, and after weeks of door knocking and phone calls, the excitement from voters is there — now, we just need to get through this home stretch.

Chip in now and your contribution will go directly toward providing resources for our field program — including water bottles, clipboards, and snacks that will keep our staff and volunteers out in the field until polls close tomorrow→

Let’s do this, John!

Sí se puede,

Jacqueline Kozin
Executive Director
CT Dems
