Some bad news about our farm, folks.

This year was the worst harvest we’ve ever had.

It wasn’t just us — this year, everyone west of the Mississippi was affected by a catastrophic drought, one that cost taxpayers billions and billions of dollars.

Here’s the deal: I raise food. My neighbors raise food. If we don’t get rain, and we have temperatures in the hundreds, we don’t raise much food. And that creates real problems.

Droughts like these are the result of climate change, and it’s something that requires common-sense solutions to fix. That’s exactly what we’re working on in the Senate, but it’s going to take all of us working together to make real progress. So I’m asking: Will you sign my petition demanding real, meaningful action on climate change?


The truth is, folks, I also run equipment to till the land, and we put a lot of fuel into that equipment every morning. That’s contributing to climate change. I long for the day when we can have a tractor that’s powered by renewable energy. And that’s where the Build Back Better Act comes in: we’ve got to have more research into affordable, durable batteries, and we’ve got to take action on this crisis, or poor harvests and drought will become the norm.

Thanks for standing with me on this.

— Jon