
President Trump called me and we had a great conversation, so I wanted you to hear it. 

America is facing one of the worst administrations our nation has ever seen as Biden continues to do all he can to undo President Trump’s remarkable accomplishments. Because of this, Trump has chosen to support me again as I bring the fight for America First into 2022!
Trump told me to “knock ‘em dead,” and that's what I plan to do with patriots like you by my side. 

As we head towards the New Year, I want to show President Trump we are more than ready for the task he has given us. Trump has placed his trust in us, and with his complete and total endorsement, I know we will continue our fight and win big in 2022!
America is just eleven months away from choosing its next Congress, and we only have to flip five seats to gain the majority. I am counting on you to pitch in to push us into 2022 harder than ever and ensure we don’t let President Trump down!

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne